Frequently Asked Questions
1. Are there any Club dues or mandatory meetings?
No. We try to keep expenses as low as possible and understand that making meetings may be difficult.
2. How much is the entry fee?
Each regular season paid event is 50.00 per boat. The Fee for the club championship is 100.00 per boat.
3. Can I sign up as non-boating co-anlger?
We fish as two person, permanent teams so unfortunately, we don't have any open seats on a boat. On occasion a member will ask us to find them a partner so feel free to email us and we will keep you name for future reference.
4. Can I fish solo?
We always encourage team participation but do allow members to fish solo. The entry fee is 50.00 per boat whether your fishing as a team or by yourself.
5. Do you have attendance requirements to stay in the club.
Yes. The success of our club relies very heavily on event turn out. Members are required to participate in at least 50% of our paid events. If circumstances come up that impact your attendance, just communicate with us... it's life, right?
6. How many boats show up for a typical event?
During the 2020 Spring season we averaged about 15 boats per tournament. Our intention is to keep the club small and we will limit membership once we reach 20 boats per event.
7. I dont have much tourament experience. Is this club right for me?
Absolutely. Most of our members are "weekend fisherman" with limited or no previous tournament experience. We are the perfect club for you if your looking to have fun and possibly win a little money along the way.
8. What lakes do you fish?
If it's in North Texas, we've probably fished it. You can view our schedule for 2021 by clicking here.
9. What are the typical winning weights at your events?
You can see our results by clicking here.
10. Do you pay out 100% every event or hold out money for the Championship?
We hold out 50.00 per event for our rollover big bass pot. The pot will be paid out to the first angler catches a bass weighing 6 lbs or greater. The biggest bass wins if 2 fish over 6lbs are caught during the same event.